Hormone therapy Seattle, WA - Rebalance Hormone Health

Understanding Hormone Imbalances

Hormones are essential chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions. When hormone levels deviate from normal ranges, serious health issues can develop. Both men and women produce hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol that must remain balanced for optimal well-being.

Common signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance may include:

If multiple symptoms are significantly impacting quality of life, an underlying hormone disorder may be to blame.

Failure to address hormonal imbalances can increase future risk for certain cancers, osteoporosis, heart disease, and neurodegenerative disease. Our physicians emphasize early detection and treatment through advanced diagnostic testing.

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

The first step is accurately measuring circulating hormone levels in the body to pinpoint imbalances. This requires specialized blood, saliva or urine tests.

We utilize cutting-edge lab panels to assess:

Reference ranges help determine if hormone concentrations are suboptimal. However, optimal hormonal balance is highly individualized and involves evaluating symptoms too.

Our practitioners spend extensive time assessing lifestyle habits and risk factors like:

This meticulous evaluation allows developing customized treatment approaches for the best possible results.

We also offer regular follow-up testing to continually adjust therapies until hormones are rebalanced and symptoms resolve.

Initial Testing Diagnosing deficiencies
Follow-up Testing Monitoring improvements

Our Services

Don't delay - get tested for hormone imbalances.

The Importance of Timely Treatment

Left unchecked, chronic hormone disorders like hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and low testosterone can significantly jeopardize long-term health.

For example, research shows testosterone deficiency after age 30 contributes to:

Likewise, menopausal women with sustained low estrogen and progesterone have dramatically higher risks for heart disease and stroke.

Restoring balance earlier preserves wellness, vitality, and a healthy lifespan. Our goal is always safe, efficacious treatment tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Benefits of Timely Treatment Risks of Delaying Treatment
- Increased energy - Premature aging
- Improved mental health - Higher disease risk
- Enhanced physique - Loss of vitality

Hormone Replacement Therapy Overview

There are numerous safe and effective hormone replacement methods to rectify imbalances. The best choice depends on the specific hormone deficiency, underlying causes, patient symptoms, and preferences.

We thoughtfully design treatment regimens featuring:

Our diverse armamentarium ensures each patient receives the just-right therapy.

Below, we elaborate on common replacement regimens doctors at Rebalance Hormone Health may recommend.

Estrogen and Progesterone Therapy

Declining ovarian estrogen and progesterone production is an unavoidable aspect of perimenopause and menopause. The spectrum of changeable symptoms includes hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, poor sleep, low energy, mood changes, weight gain, and reduced bone density. For some women, symptoms severely diminish enjoyment of life.

Hormone therapy can provide immense relief when tailored specifically for each woman. Treatment alternatives include:

Rebalance Hormone Health practitioners invest extensive time explaining options to empower women towards the most appropriate choice.

We also provide recommendations on over-the-counter supplements that further alleviate menopausal symptoms. These include:

Lifestyle adjustments further complement hormone therapy:

We provide ongoing monitoring and dosage adjustments until optimal hormonal balance and symptom control are restored.

Menopausal Hormone Therapy Goals Lifestyle Recommendations
- Eliminate hot flashes - Yoga, meditation
- Improve mood - Regular exercise
- Restore restful sleep - Phytoestrogen foods
- Resume healthy libido - Stress moderation
- Support bone density - Tobacco avoidance

Get tested now to restore hormonal balance today.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

After age 30, testosterone begins declining about 1% yearly. But symptomatic low testosterone now affects almost 40% of men over age 45. As the master male hormone, testosterone drives libido, erectile function, muscle mass, strength, bone density, and sense of vitality.

Deficiency manifests in concerning ways:

Doctors at Rebalance Hormone Health safely rectify testosterone deficiency through personalized treatment plans that may incorporate:

We also provide extensive counseling on optimizing testosterone responsiveness through nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, sleep hygiene, and other techniques. Follow-up testing confirms therapies are working, and doses are adjusted accordingly.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement
Increased strength Enhanced libido
More energy Improved mood and cognitive function
Reduced body fat Increased motivation and drive
Greater endurance Stronger muscle mass and bone density
Firmer erections Higher red blood cell counts
Improved cholesterol Better insulin sensitivity, less diabetes

Testosterone optimizes masculine traits responsible for vitality.

Why Choose Rebalance Hormone Health for TRT

We partner with compounding pharmacies providing customized testosterone cream formulations of varying strengths tailored to a patient's specific needs.

Additionally, oral agents like clomiphene and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that stimulate natural testosterone production are utilized when appropriate.

Rebalance Hormone Health incorporates the latest advancements in testosterone medicine.

Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid gland produces metabolic hormones T4 and T3 that regulate temperature, weight, energy, and much more. Hypothyroidism from Hashimoto's disease, surgical removal, or radioactive iodine ablation necessitates lifelong thyroid supplementation.

Doctors may prescribe:

We also address the common scenario of residual low thyroid symptoms despite normal lab results, termed "euthyroid hypothyroxism". This requires a more specialized approach, possibly including T3-only preparations.

Lifestyle measures like stress reduction, high-protein breakfasts, cold showers, nutritional supplements, and targeted exercise amplify thyroid function. We help patients implement a cadre of evidence-based techniques until feeling euthyroid once more.

Growth Hormone Deficiency

Growth hormone and its product IGF-1 decline with age, culminating in adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD). This manifests as:

Doctors at Rebalance Hormone Health diagnose AGHD through blood tests and medical history. We provide pharmaceutical-grade growth hormone injections after comprehensively ruling out contraindications.

Dosing is slowly titrated based on ongoing IGF-1 testing until optimal levels restore health and vitality. Benefits include:

We also provide extensive counseling on diet, sleep, stress management, and supplements that amplify the considerable benefits of growth hormone therapy.

DHEA Replacement

DHEA is a pre-hormone produced by the adrenal glands that play numerous roles:

Levels peak at age 25 then decline, sometimes precipitously. Low DHEA associates with higher mortality.

Deficiency manifests as:

Doctors at Rebalance Hormone Health diagnose deficiency using blood tests then provide pharmaceutical DHEA tablets or sublingual drops to restore optimal levels. We incorporate this hormone into many treatment plans owing to the diverse benefits. Careful monitoring ensures dosing remains safe and effective.

Cortisol Excess and Deficiency

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone released by the adrenal glands. Changes in typical cortisol rhythms commonly occur:

Cortisol Excess involves elevated morning or nighttime levels. This associates with central obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and bone loss.

Adrenal insufficiency describes low cortisol production compromising bodily function. Extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, sugar cravings, and severe allergic reactions may happen.

Careful analysis of symptoms, medical history, and cortisol testing over 24 hours allow accurately diagnosing disorders. We provide cutting-edge treatments like:

Lifestyle measures like stress reduction and high nutrient density diets further help optimize cortisol balance.

Cortisol Excess - Symptoms Adrenal Insufficiency - Symptoms
- Weight gain around the middle - Fatigue and low stamina
- High blood pressure - Dizziness when standing
- High blood sugar - Severe allergies
- Bone loss - Cravings for salt or sugar

Rebalance Hormone Health Advantages

Specialized Expertise and Cutting-Edge Therapies

Our clinic focuses exclusively on optimizing hormone health. We participate in ongoing medical education and conferences to remain current on the latest advancements.

Doctors possess specialized training in:

We meet rigorously high standards and credentialing criteria that attest to our capabilities.

Personalized Care and Follow-Up

Each patient undergoes extensive evaluation of lifestyle, medical history, risk factors, and goals. We then thoughtfully design treatment plans incorporating patient priorities and preferences.

Doctors and staff remain accessible between visits via phone and telemedicine to promptly address any questions or concerns. We also provide frequent follow-up monitoring and testing to ensure therapies properly balance hormones for optimal wellness.

Our commitment is helping patients actualize their peak potential at every age through hormone optimization and scientific vitality principles. We witness improved quality of life daily and consider it a privilege assisting your transformation

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